
Progress tracking and mutual support platform


Jul. 2023





Primary reserarch

IxD methods

User testing

Envision a new time keeping device

The brief

Chosen theme

Awareness of Progress :

Exploring the Relationship Between Learning and Time

Conducting interviews

User research

We will evaluate how people track progress

We interviewed college students, both creative and non-creative, whom we knew well and observed closely for their habits.

What did we observe?


Common behaviours

Embraces self-awareness and values self-reflection

Actively balances work and personal life

Comfortable sharing achievements on social media

Prefers a flexible approach to personal progress

Pain Points

Consistency in maintaining in physical/digital records

Expecting immediate results otherwise giving up

Retrospection leading to overthinking

Based on ease of doing the task

How intuitive it gets

Everyday progress

"Better than yesterday"



Competition/source of confidence

Family-support, outlet of emotion (venting)

Setting goals, deadlines, end points

Having purpose


Methods of tracking: mental notes, lists, apps, notification, social media

Retrospection (thoughts, photos, vids)

Reminder through friends and family


Self validation through reaching goals, passion and self satisfaction

Validation from others (praise, compliments, comments)



Empathy Map

The concept

Initial Sketches

Lo-fi wireframes

with Paper prototype!

User testing


Task 01

The Home page displays 'My ladder' where users can add tasks and track progress using progress bars in each rung for motivation, based on user testing feedback.

Progress Bar

To edit a rung, document a task, or contact friends about a task issue, users can just tap on the rung to access these three options.

Task 02

Tap on rung

All user-uploaded task documentation, including pictures, videos, voice notes, notes, and mood tracking, is stored here, by date for easy access at any time.

Task 03


Users can easily reach out to friends for help with specific tasks, triggering an automatic group chat with the relevant friends.

Task 04


Users can check their friends' ladders, view their task progress and what they’ve documented, and leave messages for them if they’d like to!

Task 05


User experience flow

Iterated concept

After user testing, we revised the wireframes and created high-fidelity prototypes based on the feedback received.


User testing is crucial

uncovers issues and improves user experience

Ask the right questions

Ask precise questions to gather valuable insights.

Work with quick prototypes

Iterate prototypes for user testing

Avoid perfection, save time